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Schedule a Consultation

Book a consultation with our cloud computing solutions, data discovery and replication, or our regulated research environment consultants! 

  • Image of research associate, Florio, giving a consulting session

Select a Topic

Please click the appropriate tile below to schedule a consultation. You can learn more about our consultants here and get more in-depth descriptions of our services here

For quick questions email [email protected].
Image of red cloud with two black arrows pointing up and down

Cloud Computing Solutions

Hardware, software, programming, and debugging.

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Image of two hands holding icon of database

Data Discovery & Replication

Data access, wrangling, reproduction, sharing, and archiving.

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Image of secure lock, surrounded by four user people icons

Regulated Research Environment

New project intake, data use agreements, and security requirements.

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Description of CCSS Consulting Services

Cloud Computing Solutions

For complete details on this service, view Cloud Computing Solutions page.


CCSS provides programming and coding support for all software applications installed on our computing resources.  


CCSS can create specific computing environments that best fit your personal or project team needs. We can create Windows or Linux systems with pre-installed CCSS software. Computing environments can be built with CPU or GPU processors. Schedule a consultation to determine what hardware resources fit your project needs.


NameSoftware & Topic Expertise
Jacob Grippin

Software: Stata, SAS, R, RStudio, SPSS, Python, Matlab, JMP, MPlus, MikTex, Qualitative (Atlas.ti, MaxQDA)

Topics: Hardware, Data Cleaning, Data Manipulation, Output Analysis, Web Scraping, Summarizing Data, Basic Qualitative Analysis

Florio Arguillas

Software: Qualitative (Altas.ti, MaxQDA), R, SAS, Git

Topics: Advanced Qualitative Analysis, Replication Data and Code Preparation/Publication

CCSS Consulting Policies

  • Consultations can be scheduled Monday - Friday from 9am and 5pm for 60 minute blocks depending on individual staff availability.
  • CCSS provides up to 60 minutes of consulting time per person per week. If you need more than 60 minutes a week, reach out to [email protected] and request an exception.
  • Consultations are booked with at least a 24 hour notice.

Data Discovery & Replication

For complete details on this service, view Data Discovery & Replication page

Data Discovery

CCSS can help you find and access thousands of datasets and documentation, including data available only to Cornell researchers.   

Data Wrangling 

Data experts can advise researchers as they retrieve, clean, integrate, deidentify, normalize, and convert their data into usable formats.

Replication Support 

Data and archiving specialists can guide you through preparing your data when finalizing your research, including how to verify the reproducibility of research before publication; help with curating, archiving, and sharing data. They can also consult on reproducibility packages and help meet open scholarship requirements for sharing your research. 


NameSoftware & Topic Expertise
Jonathan Bohan

Topics: Finding Data, Archiving, Data Management

Florio Arguillas

Topics: Replication Data and Code Preparation/Publication, Data Management, Processing, Archiving, and Sharing

CCSS Consulting Policies

  • Consultations can be scheduled Monday - Friday from 9am and 5pm for 60 minute blocks depending on individual staff availability.
  • CCSS provides up to 60 minutes of consulting time per person per week. If you need more than 60 minutes a week, reach out to [email protected] and request an exception.
  • Consultations are booked with at least a 24 hour notice.

Regulated Research Environment

CCSS offers a range of secure environments. We can consult with you on the details at all levels for working in these environments, including new project intake, data use agreements, and security requirements for restricted access datasets. For complete details on this service, view here

Regulated Research Environment

The majority of restricted data can be remotely accessed using the Regulated Research Environment, which securely houses a vast range of restricted and confidential data. Our team will guide you through the process of establishing your project on the Regulated Research Environment.   


NameSoftware & Topic Expertise
Elena Goloborodko

Topics: Regulated Research Project Intake, Data Security Requirements, Data Security Plans

Jonathan Bohan

Topics: Regulated Research Project Intake, Data Security Requirements, Data Security Plans

CCSS Consulting Policies

  • Consultations can be scheduled Monday - Friday from 9am and 5pm for 60 minute blocks depending on individual staff availability.
  • CCSS provides up to 60 minutes of consulting time per person per week. If you need more than 60 minutes a week, reach out to [email protected] and request an exception.
  • Consultations are booked with at least a 24 hour notice.
  • We'd love to hear your ideas, suggestions, or questions!

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